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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies


Volume 1, Issue 4


Carbaryl induced histological changes in the liver of albino mice

Author(s): Veena Sahai,
Department of zoology, G.N Khalsa College, Kings Circle, Mumbai 400019

Abstract: Pesticides are one of the most alarming toxic substances that are deliberately added to our environment. Carbaryl a synthetic 1-naphthyl-N-methylcarbamate insecticide is being used extensively for its broad- spectrum activity in commercial agriculture, poultry, livestock, home and garden pest control. However, there is paucity of the information about the role of Carbaryl on the liver. Albino rats were administered with Carbaryl and the effects on their liver histology were analyzed. Profound damage of the liver of rates administered with Carbaryl was noted. More studies would be required to assess the real implication of this pesticide on the liver.

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